Close your eyes. Let us take you along ancient historical path to Mardin.
You can find the legacy of 28 Mesopotamian civilizations in the beautiful Jewelry from Luna Merdin!
The Golden Sun City of Mesopotamia, Mardin or as it is known locally these days.
– Merdin; An ancient City of fortress, with a stone bridge connecting antiquity with the future.
Throughout the centuries, ancient battle fields have seen more than 28 different civilizations fighting for the sovereignty of this heavenly realm. Each of those cultures from the times of the Silk Road, have left their own signature, traces of their own identity, art, and crafts.
Today, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Syriacs, Yazidis, Chaldeans all live together in the houses of Mardin, carved into the ancient stone. Hospitality thrives throughout the whole city that has been a home to people of different languages and religions for thousands of years. That is what makes Mardin more than just a city; a magnificent parade of unique architecture, a feast for the eyes, where people of different cultures and beliefs sit on the same table of Golden Sun.
History in Mardin is not hidden behind closed gates.
The gates of Mardin are wide open!
As soon as you step into the streets of Mardin, enjoy a glass of tea offered by a local, let the fresh air you take in, you will start living the history. Mardin, just like an open air museum, offers you its treasures without any gates, keys or boundaries.
This city with its unique ashlar masonry mosques, madrasahs, churches, stone gates, ornamental scripts and thousands of figures of stone relief art, adorns the hillsides of the mountain on which it was settled. Just like a beautiful necklace.
Historic castles (14), churches and monasteries (14), mosques and madrasahs (12) all in a single city. Where in the World could you find such treasures other than Mardin?
Mardin which is now a nominee of United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to be listed a World Heritage Site. Mardin is getting ready to open its ancient gates to the whole world.
We fell in love with the exquisite and magical soul of this city – and our brand was born! Luna, the Goddess of the Moon, and Merdin, the city of fortresses’, have come together to introduce Mardin’s unique traditional silver handicraft to you.
Strolling around Mardin, you will notice in its architecture, all the beautiful details that we have managed to capture in the desirable jewelry that is “Luna Merdin”. In this city, history is reflected everywhere, quite naturally. Now, it’s your turn share this wonderful beauty.
Starting this journey, our goal was to connect this ancient art with modernity and the fashion of today. Let Luna Merdin lead the way – on a route connecting East and West, past and future. Like a Special Guest – You will feel like the beauty of this land when you wear this art.